BUK cut off marks – 2024/2025 for all courses

The management of Bayero University, Kano, (BUK) has officially released the cut-off mark for 2024/2025 academic session. See BUK Cut Off Marks below.

BUK Cut Off Marks
Bayero University Kano (BUK) is a university situated in Kano, Kano State, Nigeria. It was founded in 1977, when it was renamed from Bayero University College and upgraded from university college to university.

BUK Cut Off Marks.
This is to inform all prospective students of Bayero University, Kano (BUK) that the University has pegged 240 and above cut-off points for programmes in the Faculties of Clinical Sciences and Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences at 230 and above, while Faculties of Allied Health Sciences and Law have their cut off points from 200 and above.

The cut-off points for programmes in other faculties are 180 and above. They are:- Agriculture, Arts and Islamic Studies, Basic Medical Sciences, Communication, Computer Science and Information Technology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Education and Engineering. Others are Life Sciences, Management Sciences, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences.

Buk cut off mark for all courses 2024 are as stated below:
1 B. Agriculture 180
2 B. Fisheries & Aquaculture 180
3 B. Food Science and Technology 180
4 B. Forestry and Wildlife Management 180
5 B.Sc. Environmental Health Science 200
6 B. Medical Laboratory Science 230
7 B. Nursing Science 230
8 B. Physiotherapy 220
9 B. Radiography 220
10 Doctor of Optometry 220
11 B.A. Arabic 180
12 B.A. English 180
13 B.A. French 180
14 B.A. Hausa 180
15 B.A. History 180
16 B.A. Islamic Studies 180
17 B.A. Linguistics 180
18 B.A. Sharia 180
19 B.Sc. Anatomy 180
20 B.Sc. Biochemistry 180
21 B.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics 180
22 B.Sc. Human Physiology 180
23 MBBS 240
24 B.A. Theatre and Performing Arts 180
25 B.Sc. Information and Media Studies 180
26 B.Sc. Mass Communication 200
27 B.Sc. Computer Science 190
28 B.Sc. Cyber Security 180
29 B.Sc. Information Technology 180
30 B.Sc. Software Engineering 180
31 B. Dentistry/Dental Surgery 240
32 B. Architecture 190
33 B. Environmental Management 180
34 B. Estate Management 180
35 B.Sc. Geography 180
36 B.Sc. Geology 180
37 B.Sc. Meteorology 180
38 B.Sc. Quantity Surveying 180
39 B.Sc. Urban & Regional Planning 180
40 B.A. (Ed) Adult Education 180
41 B.A. (Ed) Arabic 180
42 B.A. (Ed) Early Childhood Education 180
43 B.A. (Ed) Economics 180
44 B.A. (Ed) English 180
45 B.A. (Ed) French 180
46 B.A. (Ed) Hausa 180
47 B.A. (Ed) History 180
48 B.A. (Ed) Islamic Studies 180
49 B.A. (Ed) Primary Education 180
50 B.Sc. (Ed) Geography 180
51 B.A. (Ed) Special Education 180
52 B.A/B.Sc Library and Information Science 180
53 B.Sc. (Ed) Agriculture 180
54 B.Sc. (Ed) Biology 180
55 B.Sc. (Ed) Chemistry 180
56 B.Sc. (Ed) Geography (STE) 180
57 B.Sc. (Ed) Health Education 180
58 B.Sc. (Ed) Physical Education 180
59 B.Sc. (Ed) Mathematics 180
60 B.Sc. (Ed) Physics 180
61 B. Technology Education 180
62 B.Eng. Automobile Engineering 180
63 B. Eng. Agricultural Engineering 180
64 B. Eng. Chemical Engineering 180
65 B. Eng. Civil Engineering 190
66 B. Eng. Computer Engineering 180
67 B. Eng. Electrical Engineering 180
68 B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering 180
69 B. Eng. Mechatronics Engineering 180
70 B. Eng. Petroleum Engineering 180
71 B. Eng. Telecommunication Engineering 180
72 LLB. Common & Islamic Law 200
73 B.Sc. Applied Biology 180
74 B.Sc. Botany 180
75 B.Sc. Microbiology 180
76 B.Sc. Zoology 180
77 Doctor of Pharmacy 230
78 B.Sc. Chemistry 180
79 B.Sc. Electronics with Physics 180
80 B.Sc. Forensic Science 180
81 B.Sc. Industrial Chemistry 180
82 B.Sc. Mathematics 180
83 B.Sc. Physics 180
84 B.Sc. Statistics 180
85 B.Sc. Accounting 180
86 B.Sc. Banking and Finance 180
87 B.Sc. Business Administration 180
88 B.Sc. Entrepreneurship 180
89 B.Sc. Public Administration 180
90 B.Sc. Taxation 180
91 B.Sc. Criminology 180
92 B.Sc. Economics 180
93 B.Sc. International Relations 180
94 B.Sc. Political Science 180
95 B.Sc. Sociology 180
96 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 220

51 thoughts on “BUK cut off marks – 2024/2025 for all courses

    1. Sir, I suggest he should apply University of maiduguri he could have a better chance compare to BUK .
      Although de both schools are good

    1. Why are schools not very sincere with cutoff marks. BUK published 240 cutoff mark for medicine, I changed my daughter’s institution for her study medicine bcoz she has 269. I was informed by a lecturer there that she can’t be admitted for medicine bcoz the actual cutoff for medicine is 300

  1. Even me ooo I went to apply for the form and I couldn’t do it bcos is 190 I don’t know If they would drop it ooo 😭😭 I have to do change of institution now again

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