In his purposive leadership for development and the progress of all the units of Kaduna Polytechnic, the Rector of Kaduna Polytechnic, Dr. Sulaiman Umar envisioned an inclusive leadership for all the staff of the Institution and units.

The Managing Director (MD), of Kadpoly Consult, Dr. Aliyu Hassan Ibrahim had described the Rector of Kaduna Polytechnic as someone who supports ideas for the rapid development of the Institution.
Dr. Sulaiman Umar, the Rector of Kaduna Polytechnic is a leader who has listening ears to act, words to guide, zeal to promote all and wants to facilitate a conducive environment for all the public of the Institution.
“The Rector of Kaduna Polytechnic, Dr. Sulaiman Umar is supporting all staff of Kaduna polytechnic in his inclusiveness leadership and motivating his staff to achieve success.”
Dr. Umar “is a leader who wants business to grow, and he promptly pays Kadpoly Consult its money before the end of every month.
According to the Kadpoly Consult MD, the Rector is passionately helping his unit with prompt payment of the Institution dues before the end of the month; payments are made before 25th of each month and in a day approvals are made.
“ This is the proof of a voucher for the payment of January fund to show you how committed the Rector. The request was sent today and approval was made today. The Rector pay us the money of all workers as per as we submit our request and that is why we don’t default to pay our quarterly dues to Institution”.
To support the Kadpoly Consult to achieve its vision, maximize profits and expand the market of the Consult, the Rector of Kaduna Polytechnic has approved the modernization and remodeling of the Kadpoly MD’s office to attract more patronage.
While, Dr. Ibrahim said despite the fact Kaduna Polytechnic is up to its task of making prompt payment, he never rely on the Institution alone to achieve his business target but reach to other firms.
The MD said Kadpoly Consult is spreading its tentacles and getting many works outside and he said at present the Consult has many works at hand including the Kaduna Water Corporation, Civil Service Commission, KSDPC, Sheik Abubakar Gumi College to be converted to Ahmadu Chanchangi College of Nursing and Sciences.
While, to reciprocate the gesture of the management, the Kadpoly Consult in its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) constructed statues of the polytechnic’s vision, mission and badge.
The give back projects symbolized the efforts of the Rector of the Kaduna Polytechnic towards supporting the progress of Kadpoly Consult and signifies appreciation of cordial business relations with the Rector of the Institution and the Kadpoly Consult.