Federal Poly staff to form ASUFEB, lament irregularities in ASUP

By Idris Auwal

The federal academic staff of polytechnics are getting ready to form a separate union from Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) to be named Academic Staff Union of Federal Polytechnics (ASUFEP).

The staff of the federal polytechnics in a writeup to express their grievances and objectives of purpose, the concerned academic staff of the federal polytechnics expressed that the emergence was born out of “disturbing outcomes trending in current Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics’ (ASUP) leadership structure that revealed we are sailing with strange bedfellows that cannot represent our common interest on several fronts.”

The concerned academic staff of the federal polytechnics identified lapses in the leadership of ASUP which at times nor or little pay attention to the problems of the federal staff of the union because many of the executive leaders are from state owned polytechnics.

“Our existence as body of intellectuals in our workspace must be protected not only against harsh condition of services, where it exist, but against forces injurious to our common interest.” the concerned staff wrote.

The staff, identified the leadership problems in ASUP including lack of internal democracy, keeping recycling positions among themselves (state owned polytechnics), thus sidelining the federal polytechnics.”

While the concerned comrades stated that federal polytechnics’ policies on education cannot be effectively implemented by state polytechnics because of disparity in regulations and operations.

” Negotiations and bargaining strength with FG can only be better represented and secured by Federal Polytechnics. IPPIS differentials. Our 2% percent dues is remitted in bulk as against the half hazard payments by state Polytechnics. This is highly discriminatory and assault to our sensibilities. Lack of accountability and transparency in ASUP National, also care for members welfare is grossly inadequate e.g 25/ 35 % Tertiary institutions salary increase and 35, 000 naira FG wage award does not cover 100% implementation of state Polytechnic subsector, because they are answerable to their respective state Governors, such that its pursuance will be slack as currently experiencing. Burning welfare interest such as FG needs interventions, promotion arrears, Tax relief, IPPIS excesses, among others, cannot be effectively handled by the current State dominated ASUP leadership structure because they lack the capacity to interface with FG.”

The concerned staff expressed readiness to pull out of ASUP and invite all staff to put hands on deck to rejig, reengineer and reposition our strength and interest as body of intellectuals to create a viable Trade Union devoid of dominance and domineering tendencies that would be virile and responsive not only to members interest but our employers interest.”

” On this premise among others, severing our membership with ASUP is not borne out of the need to pursue private interests in any way, but a mandate to rescue the intellectual Polytechnic Community from slumber aimed at repositioning Federal Polytechnics into its proper footing. Its a clarion call to take back our Union currently on the brink of precipe.”

While the concerned academic staff in the federal polytechnics stated that ASUFEP is to be established to build effective partnership with the Federal Government such that seamless negotiations will be bargain for achievable successes in the federal polytechnics on a balance scale.

“Democratic aspirations driven by inclusiveness of membership in the decision making organ will drive the machinery of ASUFEP. As the hallmarks of Unionism, we shall strive to promote internal democracy at all cost. This will form the fulcrum of our Constitution.”

Considering the foregoing underpinnings of establishing ASUFEP as a Trade Union, is committed to the advancement of the welfare of its members without prejudice to the developmental aspirations of the nation.

“Be reassured ASUFEP does not represent any sectional, chapter, regional or any primordial interest neither should we be allowed to be goaded by cynics and pessimist. Let’s remained resolute and focus to take our collective destiny in our hands and to provide succour and relief to all Academic Staffs of Federal Polytechnics.”

” We urge all to deploy requisite intellectual resources for the promotion of the welfare and defence of the interests of our members in line with global best practice.

2 thoughts on “Federal Poly staff to form ASUFEB, lament irregularities in ASUP

  1. Evan though it is a very good initiative formation of ASUFEP,.

    But i am of the opinion if leadership positions will be streamlined for FG and ST. Polytechnic at National level which should stand or Tanure shifting formula.

  2. I really appreciate and understand some of the out cry of the members of our great union ASUP at the federal polytechnic and will want to out forward my personal opinion,view and observation on the subject
    Trade unionism is a game changer where in democratic principles, guidelines,practices,tenets and application are the thrust of a viable,strong,vibrant, effective and efficient labour struggles throughout labour struggles in the world over,Africa , Nigeria and GREAT ASUP Inclusive
    Similarly it will be better and more Ideal and in the best interest of both the academic staff of the federal and state polytechnic to continue to remain as one solid,verile,strong, formidable, united and indivisible trade union devoid of any in call for division that will not only weaken,truncate but also throw us in to confusion and lost focus,direction as well as make a mockery of ourselves and finally create a soft spot for dealing with us and become very susceptible to the excesses of our employers easily without any fear of being faced by labour
    Another word of wisdom to this effect was looking at the saying of the wise ” that united we stand and divided we fall” as well as ” two best heads are better than one” to be fore warned Is to be fore armed
    Lastly, I think the problems,inadequacies,short comings and human inperfections of our leadership can be addressed / solved better through an established process and procedure as enshrined in our ASUP constitution by way of a democratic protocols and let’s learn from our ASUU counter parts and COEASU
    I hope and crave for been understood

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