Skills or degree? Two options from Prof. Bugaje

There is misunderstanding of the concept between degree and skills among some Nigerians, because to many people degree encompasses all, but alas, degree is just a certificate without skills as Samuel Joseph, a student of Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Department of Computer Engineering pointed out.

“The emphasis of skills not degree from Professor Idris M. Bugaje, s book is not to downgrade degree as a certificate of knowledge but to emphasis the importance and value of skills on education.”

“Skills not degrees: The future of work globally by Professor Idris M. Bugaje is a calling attention to youths and government to prioritize skills for productivity and work criteria, and certificates should not be the reason for a job but skills,” Samuel added.

Skill matters and without it certificate can be invalid in a professional working place. Skill is more important than a certificate to Professor Idris Muhammad Bugaje, the Executive Secretary of the National Board for Technical Education, NBTE, Samuel expressed.

“Bugaje’s campaign on skills aims to equip Nigerians with the ability of income making even with school’s certificate. His ambition is to armed Nigerians with skills no matter one’s profession.”

Samuel further stated that, ” a graduate can work independently with acquired skills and make money without a white collar job while a certificate degree holder cannot get work without skills. So it simply gives two options from Prof. Idris M. Bugaje’s book between degree and skills which one is most important?”

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