Brekete Family Owner Has Taken Bias Stand On Expelled Students By Kadpoly

By Auwal Ahmed Ibrahim Goronyo

I watched with disdain on the way Ahmad Isah, human right activist and the owner of Brekete Family received the students of Kaduna Polytechnic whom were expelled for offence of examination malpractice.

As an international human right activist, I come to conclusion that Ahmad Isah has taken a stand on the case of the students. A human right activist is an intermediary that solicits for solutions regarding outcome of case brought for solution and resolution.

Ahmad Isah may be feed with fake information which he never verify and publicly his words smeared and damaged the integrity and the reputation of Kaduna Polytechnic base on allegations.

How can Ahmad Isah use one side-double sword to dagger on the accused without verification? This is a taboo, contempt and assassination of image in any form. The statement of Ahmad Isah has caused collateral damage that defamed and destroyed the image of a reputable Institution in the face of the world and by that public abuse Ahmad Isah should be aware that Kaduna Polytechnic can sue him and the students for this public misconduct without validity.

Things are not done on accusation grounds and be stated as evidences without justification in a public forum without tapping the other side.

On this ground, it will be better for Ahmad Isah to stop further recklessness utterances that may hang his neck in the court because I don’t think Kaduna Polytechnic and Department of Mass Communication will take this lightly upon the students and Ahmad Isah who identified Kaduna Polytechnic as a garbage ground of examination malpractice not from the horses mouth or a judge but base on hearsays.

On this matter, 17 HND Students of Department of Mass Communication were expelled, the Institution released a letter on the 20th of December, 2023 stating its ground on the expulsion of the students and warrant an opportunity of appeal for genuine reason for the students but the students may set their house on fire with blaming game and circulation of fake information that hold no water.

Regarding the expulsion, Kaduna Polytechnic stated that due process was followed and the students were given maximum time to expose the culprits that leaked the examination question papers to them but didn’t. While, the Rector, Dr. Sulaiman Umar did everything possible to keep the image of the Institution abrace, after thorough investigation in the school, the case was taken to Police to use their intelligence and expertise to dig out the prime suspect(s) behind the leakage, much money was spent for the investigation and at the end the students agreed that the papers were leaked and they took responsibilities then why the blaming game and finger pointing?

The Rector has done a good effort by taking the case to Police to remain neutral and to shun sentiment blames and sentiment Judgement from the insiders and this is a good effort that deserved commendations not basterdization and accusation of torture. For Ahmad Isah to blame Police for torture; it is another case with the Police that Ahmad Isah put on his head.

It is on this note, I advice Ahmad Isah to thread this case with caution, employ investigative measures rather than assumptions and avoid using the fingers of the students to point because too many cooks spoils the broth.

Auwal Ahmed Ibrahim Goronyo is a International Human Right Activist with UNIP, can be reached on

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